Sunday 6 July 2008



The character Adam from the Bible was seemingly not just one man, but was a race according to the Sumerian texts. When the so-called Sumerian gods, the Annuniki were said to have arrived on earth around 50,000 years ago they set up base at Eridu, near the northwest end of the Persian Gulf (Kuwait-Iraq).This is the point where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet. They began to mine gold from sea water and dug great mines in the area of South Africa. Its recorded that they rounded up Homo-Erectus and Cro-Magnon man and created a race who held their D.N.A , but also their own earth D.N.A. But this first experiment made these beings too spiritual and intelligent (they saw all) and the masters couldn’t make them praise them as they mostly held the positive earthly nature genes. This race relocated to Lemuria. So they created another race (they also created races from the reptile species) and blocked their intellect, this is the Adamic race (not a singular Adam).Early Homo-Sapiens (us). Enki and his half-sister, Ninki (Nin-khursag) created Homo-Sapiens, using genetic manipulation. , “Let (us) make man in (our) image, after (our) likeness.” (Genisis .Bible. ).I’m sure you have read that somewhere before. But did you ever wonder why it was plural? What the gods called the Lulu was a hybrid and incapable of procreation, just as the mule, a cross between horse and donkey, cannot reproduce itself. When it says they were naked in the Garden of Eden, or in Sumerian (E-din) it meant (ignorant or spiritually naked) and so they became a slave race who were cursed to obey. They were forbidden to sample the fruits of the Tree of life, the hallucinogenic magic-mushroom which was in proper translation (the tree of knowledge).The Eve’s sampled the fruits of the tree of knowledge, so females have been cursed and punished through male dominated religions to this day. Yet a single woman living in Africa approximately 250,000 years ago became the later hybrid mother of every human being now living on the planet. Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shall thou go, and dust shall you eat all the days of thy life. (Genesis 3:14) God is not talking to the serpent here. He is talking to the Eve’s. But (who) or what was the serpent in the garden? Certain earth humans were then later genetically altered with the Annuniki genes to hold open their bloodlines to do their dirty-work for them and rule as kings.(These according to David Icke are the reptilian cold-blooded people who rule our world). And God said: Let us make man in our image after our likeness. (Genesis 1:26).The humans were tuned them down to a warrior cast by disconnecting them from the planet by making them overly left-brained and intellectual. Adam is translated from the Hebrew word "AWDAWM" and means White Man. In the Sumerian texts of ancient Iraq, of which the Torah and Bible are copies, its said the Annuniki gods genetically created a race of slaves to serve them. Why then when in the later much later Bible did the scholars change the plural Elohim and the plural Adama into singular entities which has stuck to this day? The Sumerians state that the first human kings on earth were the offspring of Custodial rulers who mated with the human women. Those entitled the half-human offspring to become the first monarchs of earth. (William Brambley. From his book “Gods of Eden“).If all people are from Adam and Eve then why do we all have different blood types, never mind the petty argument about different skin? Sex guilt comes from these early DNA experiments which required strict attention to which breeding pairs were permitted to mate.

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